Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale is an art festival which has been held
once every three years in the Echigo-Tsumari region (Tokamachi-city
and Tsunan-town in Niigata Prefecture) known for heavy snowfall in
winter since 2000.
Under its overarching agenda, “human beings are part of nature”, the
festival aims to reveal existing assets of the region using art as a
catalyst, rediscover their values and communicate these to the world
and find a way to revitalise the region.
You can enjoy Echigo-Tsumari Satoyama Museum of Contemporary Art,
MonET, Matsudai Nohbutai, Kyororo and artworks outdoor in between
festivals. There are also seasonal events and special opening of
Jimmy Liao「Kiss & GoodBye」
[Dream House]Upon your arrival we can suggest neighbouring facilities (please check their respective website for closure dates and opening hours).
House of Light
Picture Book Art